What are you insured for?
- Hail Strike, Fire, Explosion and Lightning; or
- Fire only
Additional benefits include:
- Re-sowing due to loss at an early specified growth stage
- Seed and grain in storage
- Seed and grain in transit
- Chemical Overspray
- Straying Livestock
- Firefighting Expenses
Optional Benefits
Our policy offers two settlement types for winter crops;
1. Our innovative ‘After Harvest Declaration’ (pay only what you harvest) or
- Pay on what is harvested not on a pre-harvest estimate
- Paid on the Potential tonnes that should have been harvested - not on a fixed yield
- Excess applied to the hectares damaged - not on the total hectares of each paddock with damage.
2. The traditional ‘Final Revision Method’.
For full details of this insurance including limitations, exclusions applied excesses and general conditions please read the Insurance Facilitators winter broadacre policy wording.
How to obtain a quote
- Login to the IF Broker Portal
- Email the crop team - group@if.net.au
- If you are a grower, contact your broker
Please refer to the policy document for full details of terms, conditions and exclusions