Winter Broadacre Insurance

Cover for loss of potential yield of Winter Broadacre crop as a result of Fire, Hail and Additional Benefits

What are you insured for?

  1. Hail Strike, Fire, Explosion and Lightning; or
  2. Fire only

Additional benefits include:

  • Re-sowing due to loss at an early specified growth stage
  • Seed and grain in storage
  • Seed and grain in transit
  • Chemical Overspray
  • Straying Livestock
  • Firefighting Expenses

​Optional Benefits

  • Decreasing Hail Excess

​Our policy offers two settlement types for winter crops;

1. Our innovative ‘After Harvest Declaration’ (pay only what you harvest) or

  • Pay on what is harvested not on a pre-harvest estimate
  • Paid on the Potential tonnes that should have been harvested - not on a fixed yield
  • Excess applied to the hectares damaged - not on the total hectares of each paddock with damage.

2. The traditional ‘Final Revision Method’.

​For full details of this insurance including limitations, exclusions applied excesses and general conditions please read the Insurance Facilitators winter broadacre policy wording.

How to obtain a quote

  1. Login to the IF Broker Portal
  2. Email the crop team -
  3. If you are a grower, contact your broker    

Please refer to the policy document for full details of terms, conditions and exclusions