Complaints Handling & Dispute Resolution

IF are committed to raising standards of service to Our customers.

​The following standards apply to all complaints handling.

  1. ​ We will conduct complaints handling in a fair, transparent and timely manner.
  2.  We will make available information about Our complaints handling procedures.

​We will only ask for and take into account relevant information when deciding on Your complaint.

  1. You will have access to information about You that we have relied on in assessing Your        complaint and an opportunity to correct any mistakes or inaccuracies. In special circumstances or where a claim is being or has been investigated, We may decline to release information but We will not do so unreasonably. In these circumstances, We will give You reasons. We will provide Our reasons in writing upon request.
  2. Where an error or mistake in handling Your complaint is identified, We will immediately initiate action to correct it.

​The satisfaction of Our clients is extremely important. As such, We would like You to tell Us if any of Our products or services has not met Your expectations in any way.

If You have a complaint which You wish Us to review, You can get in touch with Us by mail, fax, phone, in person or email. Remember to include Your name, policy number and some details relating to Your complaint.

​Within 1 business day of receiving Your compliant, Insurance Facilitators will acknowledge Your compliant in written form (Email, post and/or fax). You will be provided with the contact details of the person reviewing the complaint, the timeframes in which action will be taken and the steps within the complaints process, including the details of ACFA.

​When You first speak to Insurance Facilitators about Your complaint or concern, the person trying to resolve Your complaint will listen to You, consider the facts and attempt to resolve Your complaint immediately. Further information to support Your complaint may be requested. Insurance Facilitators will make a decision on Your compliant within 7 days. 

If we do not resolve the compliant to Your satisfaction, then we will hand over the Compliant File to HDI immediately. 

​Your dispute will be acknowledged in writing within 1 business days of receipt. The length of time required to resolve a particular dispute will depend on the individual issues raised, however in most cases You will receive a full written response to Your dispute within 13 business days of receipt, provided we have received all necessary information and have completed any investigation required. HDI may require additional information from You when we hand over Your complaint file.

If Your complaint is not resolved by HDI at day 22 and it looks unlikely that a decision can be made by Day 30 due to varying complexities or severe circumstances, You will be updated immediately and afforded the opportunity to take Your compliant to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). If You decide to keep the compliant with HDI, then with approval from ACFA, HDI will be given a 14-day extension to make a decision on Your complaint.

​When HDI makes a decision on Your compliant it will be in writing. Your written decision will include the final outcome of the compliant, reasons behind the decision, Your rights if You are not happy with the decision and the contact details of AFCA.

HDI will provide You with enough detail to understand the basis of the decision and be fully informed when deciding whether to escalate the matter to AFCA or another forum.

​AFCA is an ASIC approved external dispute resolution body. AFCA resolves certain insurance disputes between consumers and insurers and will provide an independent review at no cost to You. We are bound by the determination of AFCA but the determination is not binding on You.​

You can contact AFCA at:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority



Phone: 1800 931 678

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001